Journey Ahead
Whew! What a crazy whirlwind the last week has been. My first stresser was finding out that one of my fav scrapbook stores (Scrapnesia) is in danger of shutting their doors. This economy is killing them and one of their partners has decided to sell her half of the store. They are having trouble finding a buyer with the way things are in the world. My second stresser has been work - I've had one of the gals that works for me turn in her notice (her last day is 11/21) and I've had some difficulty with some of my other staff that I'm not sure how it's going to iron out just yet. I am looking to hire an Accounting Assistant and get the pleasure of sorting through the ton of resumes I've started to receive. The worst part is, I'm going out of town on business tomorrow and won't be back until Friday evening so I won't get to start the resume sorting until Monday and then interviewing starting soon thereafter. Argh!! My third stresser is losing weight. Those of