July 2011 Sketch Challenge

Well hello again! Are you all enjoying your summer? I, for one, could do without the heat and humidity of the South! I've enjoyed having a bit of time in my scraproom though to get out from the heat. This month's sketch challenge by Shannon White (http://scraplady324.blogspot.com/) was fun for me to work with. I had these couple of pictures from when my youngest niece was born and I thought they worked out perfectly for this layout. This pushed me outside of my shell a bit as I don't normally do baby layouts since we do not have human children (only fur-babies). Anyway, here is Shannon's sketch this month:

And here is my take on her sketch:

I followed it relatively closely this time around with just a few alterations. I couldn't get my second picture small enough so I just kept it larger and just made a slight variation to suit my needs. Overall, you can certainly "see" the sketch in my layout - which is the point right?! :) The details for this layout are pretty simple. The decorative papers that create the base of the layout and some of the strips behind the photos are by Best Creation and are a part of their relatively new line called Bunny Love. It is intended to be used as Easter paper (hence the name Bunny Love) but I think it works quite nicely for baby layouts given the colors. I snagged that paper at my local scrapbook store, Scrapnesia. The other paper is all by Coredinations (Buttercup, Grassroots, Exotic Orchids and Royal Orchid). On the strips behind the photos, I used a Martha Stewart border punch (it worked really well on this thick paper!). The little bit of bling (you know I love my bling!) is by Zva. The remaining items are just a few various buttons, some pop up dots and computer journaling (Kristen ITC font).

Well, thanks for stopping by today! Be sure to give some love to Shannon White on another fabulous sketch.

Until next time ... Happy crafting!


  1. I really like to skich of your layout, I think this is looking so well creation.

    Plastic Cards
    Scratch Card Printing


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